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Topic A10: Creating An Effective Online Syllabus - Self Assessment

In Topic A10:Creating an Effective Online Syllabus, you worked on pulling together the basic content of your online syllabus as well as explored different online formats and navigational aids to increase the value of your syllabus to your online students.

Now complete the following online assessment to test your basic knowledge and understanding of the subject.


1. “A good syllabus serves as a scaffold for the course…” (Simon, 2000, p. 83). That means the purpose of any course syllabus is to provide which of the following: a) the basic information and guidelines of the course.
b) the foundation for a useful and rewarding learning experience.
c) expectations of the instructor as well as the department.
d) none of the above.
e) all of the above.

2. The four primary elements of any syllabus are"

a) the learning objectives, course content, learning activities and contact information.
b) the learning objectives, course content, course description and your preferences.
c) the learning objectives, course content, learning activities and proofs of learning.
d) the learning objectives, course content, learning activities and course schedule.
e) the learning objectives, course content, learning activities and course description.

3. Which of the following correctly describe a Generic Course Syllabus?

a) it is usually the syllabus approved by the department and/or campus curriculum committee.
b) it communicates to students that you are teaching to the expectations of both the department and campus.
c) it is generally the syllabus distributed to all students in all classes.
d) a & b.
e) b & c.

4. The Course Syllabus and Schedule:

a) is filed with the department and/or campus curriculum committee for the reference of any instructors who may, at some point, be teaching the course.
b) is a faculty member’s own interpretation of the Generic Syllabus, customized to fit that faculty member’s own style of teaching.
c) is the primary format most students prefer to use online.
d) is the department’s official catalog of classes per semester.

5. Your online syllabus sets the tone for your online course because, unlike onground instruction, it is:. the only documented means you have of enforcing course guidelines and class policies.
required by the department in order to disseminate campus policies
a substitute for onground instruction
the first contact your students have with you—a crucial connection

6. True or False. You should always include some type of humor in your syllabus, even if you are not really comfortable with this approach in your basic teaching style


7. Including links to other web sites:

can be helpful, particularly when they relate to practical study habits/skills sites and/or reputable sites related to the course discipline
will only serve to confuse your students and should, therefore, be avoided
is too complicated to set up on your own; it’s a function which should be turned over to your best systems administrators to program into the system for you
will only serve to confuse your students and should, therefore, be avoided

8. True or False. Determining what items to include in your online syllabus will become easier as your experience with online instruction increases.


9. True or False. Whether or not you should use navigational aids depends on the type of online format/design you choose for your syllabus (i.e., flow chart, linear or script, module course design, block design).



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