Topic 7: Designing an Online Training Program
Faculty Team Members:   Consultants:
Carol Decker - Montgomery Steve Steele - AACC
Penny Fanzone - CCBC Richard Siciliano - Charles County CC
Steve Prehoda - Frederick CC Kim Kelley - UMUC
Chris Sax - UMUC Gene Yannon - PGCC

Analyze the Audience

Audience should have a working knowledge of topics to be presented (knowledge of subject).

The participants should be at the Trainer level.

Learning Objectives
  • Establishment of online training program

The critical issues for this topic are compensation for faculty, selection of web course delivery tool, and selection of web page design tool.

Presentation of Topic Information
  • How do DL and F2F classes differ? How are they similar?
  • Rethink (restructure) your class for online teaching/learning
  • Syllabus: What needs to be different?
  • Discussion groups and expectations;assignment submission and deadlines; testing;office hours; announcements; identify student skills
  • Content: How will content be altered, if so?
  • Pedagogy: Standards of good practice; Providing feedback
  • Online Technology: Commercial service
  • Basic computer skills: File management, creating a web page with Word, uploading to the web, managing email
  • Communicating online Group work/interactivity
  • Facilitating discussion groups; evaluation of contributions
  • Assessment of course

Who are the "experts" and what can they add?

~ Designing an Online Training Program: Context and Constructions, PowerPoint Presentation, Stephen Steele - Anne Arundel Community College

~ Copyright, Ownership, Fair Use, DMCA and the Online Environment, PowerPoint Presentation, Kim Kelley - UMUC


Available Resources

Online Resources

~ Online Academy,

~ Frederick Community College Web Training Syllabus,

~ Montgomery College Center for Teaching and Learning, (click on Resources),

~ CCBC Virtual Academy

~ Systems Approach to Designing Online Learning Activities,

~ On-Line Pedagogy Connected Education Portal,

~ Guide for Trainers,

~ Web Based Learning Resources Library,

~ Chronicle of Higher Education Distance Learning Resources,

~ Designing Instruction for Web Based Learning (Web Training Modules),

~ Faculty Development 101 (Web Modules from Penn State),

~ World Wide Web Courseware Developers' Listserv Web Site,

~ Incentives and Obstacles Influencing Higher Education Faculty and Administrators to Teach Via Distance,

~ Copyright Considerations in Distance Education and Technology-Mediated Instruction

~ Multimedia Projects for Educational Purposes-Fair Use Guidelines

~ Distance Learning Course Ownership

~ ONLINE! A Reference Guide to Using Internet Sources

~ The Pew Learning and Technology Program Who Owns Online Courses and Course Materials? Intellectual Property Policies for a New Learning Environment

~ Distance Learning Money Issues: Calculate the Costs of Online Courses, Costs of Distance Education

Print Resources


  • Develop or identify three experiential exercises to reinforce this topic.

Handout to practice technology file management. Handout on creating a web page with Netscape Composer.

  • Take an online course. Shadow someone teaching
  • Develop at least 5 possible discussion questions.

Assessment Strategies

Faculty should fill out feedback info sheets Faculty should also put courses online with success.